
Archive for June 6th, 2008

Have you heard about the latest “Holy Spirit” outpouring in “Christianity” down in Lakeland, FL. Some are calling it “The Florida Outpouring.” It follows in the “tradition” of the “Toronto blessing” which started several years ago. Well, here is one person’s take on it. “It’s just weird!” writes the Stand to Reason blog!

Many people associate evangelical Christianity with this type of stuff because this is what makes the headlines. You should at least no what is going on so you can be ready to explain to others how “this” (orthodox Christianity) is not “that.”

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Boys adrift

Challies writes about how our view of boys and young men have changed societally. Here is a full review of the book Boys Adrift which highlight five major reasons boys in this generation are different than those of just a generation ago. Dr. Al Mohler also highly recommends this book. Challies ends with this advice: “If you are a parent blessed with boys or if you are a young man yourself, buy this book and read it. You won’t be sorry you did.”

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You may spoil the Gospel by substitution. You have only to withdraw from the eyes of the sinner the grand object which the Bible proposes to faith,–Jesus Christ; and to substitute another object in His place…and the mischief is done. Substitute anything for Christ, and the Gospel is totally spoiled!…

You may spoil the Gospel by addition. You have only to add to Christ, the grand object of faith, some other objects as equally worthy of honor, and the mischief is done. Add anything to Christ, and the Gospel ceases to be a pure Gospel!…

You may spoil the Gospel by interposition. You have only to push something between Christ and the eye of the soul, to draw away the sinner’s attention from the Saviour, and the mischief is done…

You may spoil the Gospel by disproportion. You have only to attach an exaggerated importance to the secondary things of Christianity, and a diminished importance to the first things, and the mischief is done. Once alter the proportion of the parts of truth, and truth soon becomes downright error!…

You may completely spoil the Gospel by confused and contradictory directions. Complicated and obscure statements about faith, baptism, Church privileges, and the benefits of the Lord’s Supper…are almost as bad as no statement at all!

–J. C. Ryle

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This is the number of “books and editions” published in 2007. Lends credibility to the preacher’s statement: of the making of books there is no end.

There are always more books to read than there is time.

But here are some good book recommendations for your summer reading, even some books men can get excited about.

Ten history books for Summer Reading

Ten more history books for summer reading

Books for guys

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